I am primarily trained and specialized in Svaroopa style of Yoga that helped me on many levels over the past two decades.
SVAROOPA (sva-rupa) is a Sanskrit word that means “bliss of your own being.” Your true form (rupa) is the bliss of Consciousness.
SVAROOPA® YOGA is consciousness oriented yoga unravelling the deep-seated layers of tension (core opening) in your body and mind for healing, transformation, and illuminative inner experience of your own divine essence, which is the goal of all yoga.
This inner core opening is accomplished with the use of props, precise alignments and hands-on adjustments to unravel and release the tensions in the deepest muscles along the spine.
The sequencing of spinal release begins with the tailbone as a pivotal point and then carrying the changes through the sacrum, lumbar vertebrae and the rest of the way up the spine through the shoulders and neck.
This decompression of the spine or “core opening”results in a profound sense of ease, openness and inner peace.
Svaroopa® yoga was created and developed by Swami Nirmalananda (formerly aka Rama Berch).




Every class begins and ends with delicious Shavasana – guided awareness – for a deep relaxation and turning inward. Part of the opening Shavasana is Ujjai Pranayama – a profoundly healing and rejuvenating breathing practice.

Poses are selected meticulously for an effective and reliable spinal release. During monthly segments of classes, we explore different themes, to familiriaze yourself with Svaroopa poses, their effects, and to incorporate them to your daily practice safely.
Themes include: Daily Practice, Lower Spinal Release, Upper Spinal Release, Abdominals, Backbends, Standing Poses, Forward Bends, Neck & Shoulders, Balance & Inversions, Classical Poses, Vinyasa, and Seated Poses & Twists.
Svaroopa®yoga is a different paradigm from a main stream athletic yoga. It is rooted in an ancient tradition of Himalayan sages, with a long lineage behind it.
Some of the many benefits are: increased awareness, easier and deeper breathing, improved functioning of internal organs, cured back, muscle suppleness, increased strength and stamina, reduced stress, calm mind. And list goes on.
“Support equals Release” is one of the magical ingrediences unique to this yoga, promoting healing and transformation from the inside out. You will be able to ease into life and your Self, feeling alive again.
Give it a try! It’s really magical.









In Svaroopa® yoga the body opens up gently yet deeply from the inside out, as it moves and resides in precise angles, propped with soft blankets and often attended with personalized adjustments.
Along the physical benefits and reliable improvement, the body is only the beginning. As the physical tensions continue releasing, the old limiting mental and  emotional patterns dissolve simultaneously.
Svaroopa® yoga is deceptively easy and reliable yoga, suitable for everybody. Regardless of age or advancement, anyone can do it, whether you are new to yoga or advanced yogi. This style of yoga is also very helpful for those who are experiencing  chronic conditions, health challenges or physical limitations. Svaroopa yoga can be an excellent addition or complement for athletes also.
Whichever cathegory you might be falling into, you are advised and required to contact Livia Suver for brief consultation, before enrolling into any of the programs being offered at Shakti Yoga Calgary.